Do you want to keep
your hair healthy and strong? Is long and thick hair on your wish list? Do you
keep dreaming about natural hair and its great volume? Here are some tips by
the best beauty Salon in India for
you to get that dream hair look.
Pollution, dust, sun,
and dirt make the look impossible to get. So, here we are with our online
booking and features of the app; you can get easy hacks and beauty tips for
that natural bounce and wavy locks.
- A balanced diet plays an important role in hair health
Having a balanced diet is a game-changer. Take
the following diets according to hair type:
Normal Hair: Pulses,
fish, chicken, sprouts.
Dry Hair: Raw
vegetables, brown rice, nuts, pulses.
Oily Hair: Green
vegetables, fruits, salads, yogurt.
We are the Best Beauty Salon in India. And Online
Booking and features of the app will help you scroll through many beauty and
hair tips.
Mild shampoo
One of the most important things is to keep
your head clean. You can use drop-size of a coin for one wash, it will be more
than enough.
For dry hair: Select that doesn’t let strip your hair of natural oils.
For Oily hair: Choose
that which limits the activity of the oily scalp
3.Eggs are the best conditioners
Eggs can do wonders
for your hair. The yolk that is there is rich in fat and proteins that act in
moisturizing and the egg-white helps in removing unwanted oils.
Use egg: to condition
normal hair
egg yolks: for dry
egg- whites: for oily
But do make sure
to rinse with lukewarm water. We are the Best Beauty Salon in India that
provides premium products and saloon services. And one can easily navigate
through Online Booking and features of the app which can make you go through
various beauty hacks.
Clean away the itchy
Itchy scalp comes from
poor diet, stress, or climate. With a mixture of 2 teaspoons lemon juice, olive
oil, and water; anyone can treat it.
· Massage scalp with
this mixture and give rest for 20 minutes.
· Wash off.
The lemon juice
removes dry flakes of the skin whereas the olive oil moisturizes the
We are the Best Beauty Salon in India that provides
solutions for beauty, makeup, and hair. Online Booking and features of the
app will let you easily book at any convenient time of the day.
5. Honey and olive oil for damaged hair
Sun’s rays can damage
it badly and are harmful to your hair. To get rid of it, try honey and olive
· Massage 1/2 cup honey
and 2 tbsp olive oil into damp hair
· Wash off after 20
Olive oil conditions
and honey has antibacterial and conditioning features.
6. For dandruff, use brown sugar
The most common hair
problem is dandruff but there is a cure for it.
· Treat it at home by
mixing 2 parts of brown sugar: 1 part of your hair conditioner and lightly rub
it to your scalp.
· Wash off thoroughly.
Best Beauty Salon inIndia is here for all your
beauty and hair needs.
Online Booking and
features of the app will give you power/control to book appointments at your
convenience whether at home or saloon.
7. Hairfall
Hair fall is an existent problem in our daily life. We are unable to think of anything but Aloe
Vera. Aloe Vera is a perfect choice for healing the scalp and getting the pH
balance to normal. It has cleansing properties that clean the pores out.
· Mix aloe Vera gel
with half tsp. lemon juice
· Add 2tbsp. coconut
· blend it on your
scalp and hair.
· Wash off your hair
after 20 min
Best Beauty Salon in India is here to let you
get pampered and get care for your hair.
Online Booking and
features of the app will necessitate all the prominent features at a low cost.
8.Graying hair: Hair Color
Gray hair is never
welcomed even at the remainder of age. Have you considered a more natural
choice that would be perfect for your hair than hair colors that are available
in the market? Henna has been coloring agents when mixed with Indigo the
results are better. Mix henna and Indigo and let it sit overnight.
These tips help you
maintain your hair, so you can have the healthiest hair. It’s very important to
hydrate so make sure you drink lots of water and fruits and vegetables. With
our products and regular services, you can get healthier and lustrous hair.